The 21st century is driven by Information & Communications Technology and as such it constantly demands for professionals with the relevant skill sets to achieve the required results. However there is a still a gap as observed in the industry which is the lack thereof of competent professionals with practical working knowledge of these technologies. Technology training institutions abound but less attention has been paid to giving students of the training the relevant edge to make them “work-ready”. Situations in most employment after testing for theoretical knowledge is that the employee fumbles when asked to identify equipments or perform necessary configurations on equipment.
The Cleon Experience Labs are dedicated to bridging the knowledge divide by connecting learners to the technical aspect of ICT learning and we are sure to make a difference in these previously uncharted course. The idea is simple CEL would be at the forefront of providing the practical labs for different technology scenarios and this would hereto cater for different technology scenarios which would in-turn bridge the gap. The experience Labs would attend to most important segments where the needed skills are lacking and would upgrade as deemed fit or as demand analytics shows.

This idea would be very beneficial to the institutions and organizations a great deal distinguishing them from their peers as a result of an informed workforce or community body. So be it adding value in terms of furnishing learners with the correct know-how or increasing revenue by catching in on the vibrant market of practical technology training organizations and institutions are sure is sure to benefit on all sides with the initiative.